Sales outlets

Do you live outside Sweden and want to get hold of Scandinavian Retro?

If you want to subscribe to the paper magazine or order single issues of the paper magazine, send us an e-mail at and we can give you the cost of having the magazine sent to you.

Below you find a list of sales outlets outside Sweden.


Go to and write your postal code in the field ”Postinumero tai paikkakunta” to find sales outlets in Finland.

Here are the postal codes for the cities were you most easily find a copy of the magazine:

Helsinki/Helsingfors: 00100

Turku/Åbo: 20100

Vaasa/Vasa: 65100

Kokkola/Karleby: 67100


Click here to find sales outlets in Norway.




Nytorv 8-10, Aalborg


Kirkegade 12, Allinge

Walthers Kiosk

Mellemgade 6, Faaborg

René S Vin & Grønttorv

Østergade 2B, Fjerritslev

Candy Kiosk

Falkoner Alle 61, Frederiksberg


Søndergade 76, Frederikshavn

Kiosk Bien

Glostrup Centret 30, Glostrup

Super Kiosken

Gl.Landevej 155, Herning


Smedelundsgade 6, Holbæk

Hornslet Bøger Og Papir

Tingvej 13, Hornslet

W H Smith Afd. 87 Airside

Københavns Lufthavn 1, Kastrup

Magasin Kiosk

Kongens Nytorv 13, København K

Sankt Annæ Kiosken

Store Kongensgade 40, København K

Torvekiosken Nexø

Sønder Hammer 2C, Nexø

Kiosk Drugstore

Bredgade 56, Nørre Nebel


Tinggade 11, Ringsted

William Dam Bog & Ide

Store Torv 7, Rønne

Sct. Michaels Kiosk

Rosengade 11B, Slagelse

Kiosk Bien – City 2

Hveen Boulevard, Taastrup

Rutebilkiosken/Tips Pit

Banegårdspladsen 6, Viborg


Søndergade 27, Århus C